My Photo Page
This is a good place to put pictures, thumbnails, drawings, clip art, etc...
These pictures which i took when i came over to Port Harcourt, are few out of my numerous pictures. I like taken picture because it brings to mind the various events which took place in ones life. Of great desire then,i will give few descriptions on each and everyone among these pictures on this page. Nevertheless maybe as a matter of choice, i will be so happy to explain personally if the need arises.

Thought to be great, works for greatness.


I believe that backing distraction and facing impossiblity makes you great.

I love lovers, never forsake hate. This picture was taking to remember the day i initiated my welfare group.

Looking into your eyes, teaches you to face any hardship without distraction.
Just at the international Airport Ikeja, lagos
Just at the International Airpot Lagos for an assignment